groutin tudor brickslips
At last the grouting mix and the rest of the bricks arrived, so I had something to do again. Reading the instructions I was a bit confused about one of the ingredients - of course living in Germany translating the names of British or American products is not always easy. So I did ask myself "PVA glue - what the heck is that?" I di think of some special glue and was afraid I could not get it here. Luckily according to a Blogpost I found I´m not the only one!

dollshouse tudor brickslips grouting
Apparently PVA stands for Polyvinyl acetates. That doesn´t help much yet, but: it´s just the white glue you can use for paper, board, collage work, papier mache, book binding, crafts, wood, vinyl and as mentioned, archival work. Phew! We even had some of that at home. What do you need it for? You mix it 1:1 with water and brush the bricks with it. After they have dried you can fill the spaces with the grout mix, and wash the extra off (best do this straightaway before the grout dries!) and the brickslips will not discolor. I think my chimneys came out quite well - looking nice and old.

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